Cake Smash
Studio Shoot
A cake smash doesn't have to be a big deal, some donuts & a hungry baby goes a long way! We offer a cake smash session and a photographed bubble bath afterwards to clean up all the mess.

From $175
AU$ 175.00
30 min studio session
10 x high resolution edited digital images delivered as an online gallery
Additional edited digital images @ AU$ 10.00 each
All printed images and products
Customer to provide Cake
Digital Plus
AU$ 230.00
30 min studio session
10 x high resolution edited digital images delivered on wooden USB
AU$ 435.00
30 min studio session
10 x high resolution edited digital images delivered on wooden USB
10 x 13x18cm Matte Art Torn Edge prints delivered in a premium fabric box

AU$ 375.00
30 min studio session
10 x high resolution edited digital images delivered as an online gallery
1 x 40x50cm Erika school map style canvas print